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發布日期 2024-04-10
標題 永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.1)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.1. The Organization shall, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of its management activities, set policies (visions and values) and objectives for management, which are environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable. Summaries of these policies and objectives shall be incorporated into the management plan, and publicized.
 準則7.1. 組織應依據經營活動規模、強度與風險,訂定符合環境健全、社會有益及經濟可行之政策(願景及價值)及經營目標。政策及目標之摘要應納入經營計畫並公開。可能資料來源的整備:


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:
Criterion 7.1. The Organization shall, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of its management activities, set policies (visions and values) and objectives for management, which are environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable. Summaries of these policies and objectives shall be incorporated into the management plan, and publicized.
Data Sources to be Prepared
Based on the scale, intensity and risk of management activities, the organization has indicated the forest    management policy and measurable objectives in the management plan.
  The organization's policies and objectives are consistent with environmental, social and economic benefits.
The organization provides a summary of the forest management plan with policies and objectives incorporated.
  Could be confirmed by interviewing with organization staff and community members, etc.

引用出處:(1) Facebook(永續森林經營)

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